- For Students, Parents/Carers
- Year 7 Rewards
- The Behaviour System
- Careers Information & Guidance (Progression)
- Charging & Remissions
- E-Safety links and advice
- Free School Meals
- Remote Learning Provision
- Home Learning
- Home School Agreement
- Letters Home
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- New Students
- Reading for Pleasure at Home
- Safeguarding
- School Cash Office (Scopay)
- Snow & Adverse Weather
- Children's Centre
- Enrichment
Temple Moor High School is an inclusive, oversubscribed mainstream High School.
We work to ensure that students are included in all aspects of learning and school life and aim to provide a high standard of education which develops and inspires all our young people. We work in partnership with the East Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre (East SILC), providing places for 50 students with complex needs.
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo):
Sarah McAndrew
Telephone: 0113 390 0770 Ext. 5226
The Leeds SEND Local Offer
The Leeds Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place.
It shows families what they can expect from a range of local agencies including education, health and social care.
- For Students, Parents/Carers
- Year 7 Rewards
- The Behaviour System
- Careers Information & Guidance (Progression)
- Charging & Remissions
- E-Safety links and advice
- Free School Meals
- Remote Learning Provision
- Home Learning
- Home School Agreement
- Letters Home
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- New Students
- Reading for Pleasure at Home
- Safeguarding
- School Cash Office (Scopay)
- Snow & Adverse Weather
- Children's Centre
- Enrichment