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Red Kite Learning TrustSixth Form
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For Students, Parents/Carers


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At Temple Moor High School, we are committed to the safeguarding of our students.

Our safeguarding of students at Temple Moor is based on three levels:

Universal – Our aim to is keep all students safe by creating and maintaining an appropriate environment. This includes excellent site safety, safer recruitment of staff, clear school rules related to behaviour and attendance and a rounded curricula experience focusing on a student’s Personal Development. This includes a focus on topics such as, RSE (relationships and sex education, personal and online safety awareness, and mental health awareness.

Targeted – The focus here is on groups of students whose personal, social or economic circumstances may result in an increased risk to their safety. For example, looked after children, students with special educational needs, children subjected to racism etc. In such cases, children are provided with additional input, for example through our Pastoral Team and Safer Schools Officer.

Responsive – This is when we have to respond quickly and appropriately to situations where students may be or have suffered harm. This is our support through our strong child protection procedures.  All school staff have undertaken annual Child Protection training and understand how to follow school systems for the recording and actioning of concerns. We work closely with our external partners, such as Education Safeguarding, West Yorkshire Police and CAMHS.

Our focus is to ensure that we uphold the highest standards of professionalism and knowledge in working with children and families on areas including:

  • child protection
  • anti-bullying
  • Mental health provision
  • behaviour and attendance
  • special educational needs
  • physical contact / positive handling
  • intimate and nurture care
  • children looked after
  • staff recruitment
  • Personal Development

Our Designated Child Protection Officers are:

Mr A Beecroft, Associate Principal – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs J Smith, Pastoral Support Officer – Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs H Britton, Associate Deputy Principal - Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L Campey, Safeguarding Officer - Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S McAndrew, SENDCo

Mrs N Matthews, Pastoral Support Officer (Y7)

Miss L Robertson, Pastoral Support Officer (Y8)

Mr P Leamey, Pastoral Support Officer (Y9)

Mr G Nicholson, Pastoral Officer (Y10 & Looked After Children)

Mr D Hollingworth, Pastoral Support Officer (Y11)

Mrs S Pearson, Pastoral Leader for Post 16

Mr D Bryan, ELECT Assistant Principal

Mrs A Daniels, ELECT Pastoral Officer

Mr A Russell, Student Engagement Worker

Mr D Rushton, ELECT Teacher

Mrs R Starr, Head of High Care Partnership

Mr M Sangra, High Care Partnership Teacher

Mr A Beecroft - Prevent Duty Lead

Mr M Bryant - Online Safety Lead

General Safeguarding Guidance

We are an Operation Encompass School

Operation Encompass

Temple Moor High School & Sixth Form is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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