Message from the Principal
Dear Student and Parent or Carer
This is an exciting time to join Temple Moor High School as we look to build on our recent successes and strengthen our position as the ‘school of choice’ in East Leeds. We have seen our work on improving attendance and behaviour lead to better academic outcomes for all our students regardless of gender, background or ability. So much so, that last year we recorded Year 11 students’ best ever progress and attainment scores. However, we pride ourselves on being about much more than just examination results, but on being part of a community of learners, both students and staff, ‘pursuing excellence’ in everything they do. To support our students in becoming well rounded individuals both during their time at Temple Moor High School and beyond, they are able to access a wide-range of activities designed to enable them to fully invest themselves in many aspects of modern society. These include art, design, dance, performance and sport; with many of our students achieving regional and national success. Furthermore, our students are able to gain a variety of experiences, such as life at university, working as an apprentice, overseas trips to experience different cultures and values along with scholar programmes aimed at raising aspirations. Such invaluable experiences are specifically aimed at ensuring all students are better able to develop the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding, beyond those of the classroom, which will best prepare them for the next stages in their life, with increasing confidence and courage. We provide excellent pastoral care and support for all our students and we enjoy strong relationships with our parents. This means that together, utilising the home/school partnership, we can remove any barriers to learning faced by young people, and support them to reach their full potential. We support this further with our ‘Qualities’ Programme, aimed at developing young people’s resilience, critical thinking, initiative, reflection and desire to seek out challenge. All attributes possessed by the most successful and happy in society. We are a very open, forward thinking and outward facing school, one that values partnership. We are proud members of the Red Kite Learning Trust, a group of schools with a philosophy deeply rooted in professional generosity and in helping young people excel. We are confident that, by joining this Trust, we have found the right partner to help us improve standards still further for all our students, and secure our long term vision. That being, of helping us to become a centre of excellence at the heart of this community. I thank you for taking the time to read this and I very much hope to see you at one of our Open Day events where you will be able to experience for yourself what we have to offer. One of which offers great facilities, committed and passionate staff and fantastic students. I very much hope you will join us and enjoy the school I am proud to lead and work in every day. PrincipalMatthew West