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Red Kite Learning TrustSixth Form

Message for Year 6 parents - SCHOOL OPEN DAY - Saturday 5 October 2024, 10am - 1pm

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British Values & Preventing Radicalisation

At Temple Moor High School, we are fully committed to the promotion of the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We recognise that such development is most successful when those values and attitudes are promoted by all the staff and provide a model of behaviour for our pupils. These values are promoted not only through the curriculum but also through student experiences, displays, assemblies, the behaviour system, and extra-curricular clubs and off timetable events,


We promote democracy through:

  • Student leadership
  • Through our Personal Development curriculum, as well as through the wider curriculum
  • Mock elections and encouraging our students to have a say on wider city issues, such as through the Make Your Mark Campaign.
  • Student voice on key areas of school life, including lessons themselves.
  • Students are encouraged to voice their thoughts across all curriculum areas by responding to teacher feedback in books, careful questioning by staff, the work they produce and classroom dialogue.

We promote individual liberty through:

  • Being introduced to a range of beliefs and issues so that they are able to make more informed choices for themselves and ask critical questions in a safe environment
  • Our broad and varied curriculum equips students with the knowledge and skills to broaden the choices they make about future employment and education
  • Students are able to make choices about the courses they will study at Key Stage 4.

We promote the rule of law through:

  • The Behaviour for Learning Policy that applies to everyone
  • The rules (Teacher’s Standards), students (Student Code of Conduct), and governors.
  • We liaise closely with outside agencies including the police
  • The Acceptable Use Policy is used to promote correct use of the internet
  • Students are explicitly taught the legal framework on a number of contemporary and social issues in specifically identified lessons within the Curriculum
  • Safeguarding Policy.

We promote mutual respect through:

  • Behaviour Policy and code of conduct that apply to everyone in every area of school life
  • School Equality Duty and Equal Opportunities policies
  • Curriculum areas such as Religious Studies, Personal Development, Languages and Arts help students to learn about a wide range of people, cultures and beliefs
  • Assemblies to mark national occasions including Remembrance Day and Holocaust Memorial Day.

We promote tolerance of those with different beliefs and faiths through:

  • Celebrating the variety of cultures, faiths and beliefs in our school.
  • The curriculum helps students to learn about a wide range of people, cultures and beliefs and so develops students’ ability to make informed decisions, form and be confident in their own identity and understand and respect that of others
  • Assemblies celebrate and draw inspiration from festivals and teachings from a range of different faiths and cultures
  • Challenging negative stereotypes and discriminatory behaviour at all levels.

Temple Moor High School & Sixth Form is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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