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Red Kite Learning TrustSixth Form

Sixth Form Open Evening - Monday 11th November, 5pm - 7pm


Form Time

At Temple Moor, all students in Years 7 to 13 have a form time every day between 8.25 and 8.45am. This time is spent with a form tutor who is there to offer pastoral and academic support, as well as share key notices and ensure all students are ready for lessons and the day ahead.

As part of this form time provision, there are sessions run every week which focus on three key areas for personal development of our young people:

  • Aspirations
  • Careers
  • Culture


As part of our aspirations programme, students engage with activities which allow them to understand their own personal aspirations for their future. This can range from their aspirations within a career, to personal aspirations such as owning a pet. We work with students to set high standards and expectations, and encourage all to strive to meet their full potential. Some examples of activities engaged with by students across different years include:

  • Year 7 – How can I demonstrate resilience in and out of school?
  • Year 8 – Aspirations and goal setting
  • Year 9 – How aspirations can support GCSE success?
  • Year 10 – Employability skills and Post-16 options
  • Year 11 – Building a personal statement
  • Sixth Form – How can I widen my curriculum beyond my academic studies to further develop myself?


As part of our careers programme, students engage with activities which allow them to have a deep and rich knowledge of the world of work. This can range from understanding the range of careers available to them, to understanding finances associated with a pay slip. We work with students to broaden their horizons by showcasing the breadth and depth of career opportunities within Leeds and across the UK, working alongside our careers advisors within school. Some examples of activities engaged with by students across different years include:

  • Year 7 – What is a career? What careers do my relatives have?
  • Year 8 – Exploring different job sectors
  • Year 9 – What jobs link to the subjects I study?
  • Year 10 – Financial literacy
  • Year 11 – Understanding career pathways and applying
  • Year 12 – How can work experience support my future and provide opportunity to develop transferable skills?
  • Year 13 – Understanding the UCAS process, completing university applications and applying for job opportunities and higher level apprenticeships.


As part of our culture programme, students engage with activities to understand their local, national and international identity as a global citizen. This can range from different national days such as Braille or Mental Health awareness, to understanding the local projects undertaken within the community. We work with students to heighten their world knowledge by demonstrating the opportunities for working with charities and becoming a conducive member of society. Some examples of activities engaged with by students across different years include:

  • Year 7 – Mental Health Awareness week – What is it and how do we celebrate it?
  • Year 8 – National celebrations and events
  • Year 9 – Culture and community in Leeds
  • Year 10 – Celebrating our differences (local and global community)
  • Year 11 – Local and global initiatives for fundraising
  • Sixth Form – Nurture the ability to research, evaluate and present their ideas and views to develop possible conclusions on topics linked to the contemporary world

Temple Moor High School & Sixth Form is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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