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Red Kite Learning TrustSixth Form

Message for Year 6 parents - SCHOOL OPEN DAY - Saturday 5 October 2024, 10am - 1pm


School Life

Parent Support

Video Tutorials

We have created some video tutorials which we hope you find helpful.

Using Microsoft Office at Home

Guide to Using MS Office at Home


In supporting students with remote learning, parents and carers play a vital role.  All contact with parents and carers will be via the MyEd app, this includes where a parent or carer requires a message to be passed onto an individual teacher.

IT Access

All students have their login details for each of our online platforms in their student planners. Where this is not accessible, please contact the school via the MyEd app and we will re-issue students’ details to you.

Where a student does not have access to a tablet, laptop or PC, they can still view the remote learning set on Class Charts via a mobile phone. The remote learning can be completed on paper and a photo of the work then submitted to Class Charts via their mobile device.

Supporting Students’ Remote Learning:

Establish routines

It is important to maintain good habits from the start. We encourage students to stick to completing remote learning in line with their normal school timetable, however, where this is not possible we encourage all students to create a flexible routine that takes other commitments and access to technology into consideration. Keep normal bedtimes, including normal rules for digital devices.

Location and Technology

A students’ regular learning space for occasional homework might not work for extended periods. Identify a location in the home that is quiet, free from distractions and has a good internet connection. Where possible, monitor online learning so that technology is being used appropriately at all times.

Stay in touch

Encourage students to make use of the two way messaging system on Class Charts to seek further support with their learning from class teachers – it is important that students are contacting teachers themselves. When in a collapsed year group bubble, encourage students to attend tutorials via Microsoft TEAMS; this regular contact with teachers will support students with their learning and motivation.

Supportive & Encouragement

We appreciate that parents and carers are not teachers, but the simple support and encouragement you provide makes a real difference. Use Class Charts to monitor the positive comments added by teachers and use these to motivate students to engage further, particularly when they are finding self-isolation and remote learning challenging.

Try asking the following questions at the start or end of the day to gauge how they are getting on with their learning:

  • What subjects will you be doing today?
  • What subject did you submit today?
  • How did you find your work today?


Feedback supports students in their learning, however, it is important to note that feedback can take many forms, including self-assessment and whole class verbal feedback. For the purpose of remote learning, feedback will take one of the aforementioned forms, though all students can contact teachers for specific support via the two-way messaging system.

Temple Moor High School & Sixth Form is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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