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Red Kite Learning TrustSixth Form

For Students, Parents/Carers

School Cash Office (Scopay)

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School Cash Office (Scopay)

The online payment system for Temple Moor is Scopay and is accessible from the Quick link on the homepage of the website or using the following link:

The online payment system is for parents to pay for school meals, all trips and visits, prom tickets, show tickets, revision guides and anything else relating to payments to school.

The online payment system is a much safer and quicker way for parents to pay for the above items. You can also track what food items your son/daughter is purchasing at breaktimes to see what they are eating and that they are making sensible choices.

If you haven’t previously registered for an online payment account you will need a unique link code. To request a link code please email with your child’s full name, date of birth and your relationship to the child. Once verified we will send the link code to you.

Once registered future logins will just require the email address and password that you chose. In the event you forget your password you can reset if yourself.

If you have any problems creating an account you can email and we will try and assist.

Once logged in it is just like using any other online shopping page, you add items to your shopping basket and then checkout.

Temple Moor High School & Sixth Form is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH